After drinking in the Suites, two students paid a visit to the Hillsdale Community Hospital for possible alcohol poisoning this past Saturday.
Junior John Burtka, a resident assistant in the Suites, said the two persons involved, a man and woman, were released later that night. He said this was the first time anyone in the Suites had to go to the hospital because of alcohol.
Dean Men Aaron Petersen said security requested an ambulance because they feared alcohol poisoning.
Burtka, the resident assistant on call Saturday night, said he was notified around 11:15 p.m., after the resident assistant on duty, junior Julia Dellaira, called 911.
A source requesting anonymity said they believed one of the students fell down the Suites stairwell, prompting the call to 911.
Petersen said the dean's office has reacted strongly to Saturday's incident, not only with the individuals involved, but with the residents of the Suites as well.
Burtka said he believes there's a frequent number of alcohol violations in the Suites.
"But most students keep to themselves and are quiet in their own rooms," he said.
House Director Patricia Corboy declined to comment on the issue, saying it was a "private issue" where students "had too much to drink."
Another disciplinary issue occurred in Simpson Hall last week, requiring the presence of campus security. RAs and Petersen said they were not at liberty to discuss the matter.
Liz Essley contributed to this report.